In 2015, the World Health Organisation released a report on bleaching that did not really surprise anyone.
to the report, Nigeria has the highest number of women bleaching their
skin in Africa. Nigeria polled a whopping 77 percent compared to Togo’s
59 percent. Even outside the country, in far places like Dubai, business
is booming for people who sell, among other cosmetics, skin lighting
products. In our part of the world, one in every 10 dark skinned persons
is now a patron of bleaching products, whether consciously or not. Most
of us have come across at least one lady who attempts to whiten her
skin. They are easily identifiable by the uneven patches of darker
skin fading away and the dark colour still retained by the joints, the
elbows and knuckles. Those who who successfully bleach look almost
ghostly, because even with the new skin tone on top, there is an
underlying layer of dark skin that makes them look slightly off-colour.
the preferred method is to use lightening lotions and soaps. Some may
use stringent facial cleansers, body scrubs, and even anti-fungal creams
in order to bring out their inner beauty. There are even rumours of a
particular drug designed to help flush out impurities and lighten the
skin. Disparaging comments are usually made verbally or on social
networks about people who bleach. Somebody on Facebook once posted the
question to his friends, “why do girls bleach?” The question, till date,
is still valid. Why do girls – sometimes boys – bleach their skin?
first reason is the societal attitude towards fair girls. They are
considered more beautiful. And why not? Their skin is more eye-catching
than regular brown or dark chocolate skin. Light coloured skin is
thought to be a sign of wealth, since maintaining it under this weather
is rather expensive. This attitude is traceable to age-long impressions
of inferiority in the average African towards the white man. Another
reason is the men. Most guys are more attracted to girls with light skin
and seem to treat them with more respect. The music entertainment
industry does not help matters one bit, by featuring half caste or white
girls in music videos. That way, they poison the minds of the dark
skinned girls who will now consider themselves not beautiful enough to
be featured in these videos.
from this blow to self-esteem, bleaching has several dangerous medical
consequences. Hydroquinone, a bleaching agent found in most skin
lightening products, suppresses the production of melanin, reducing the
skin’s natural shield against the sun’s ultraviolet rays increasing the
risk of skin cancer. It also penetrates the skin and causes damage to
connective tissue, inducing premature aging. Mercury, another toxin
found in bleaching creams, causes cancer. Bleaching brings out rashes
and unsightly blotches on the skin surface and weakens the skin so that
it cannot be stitched when cut. If the chemicals are absorbed in the
bloodstream they can cause organ failure and brain damage.
society needs a complete attitude adjustment concerning the meaning of
true beauty. The phrase “black is beautiful” needs to be revived both in
speech and action. The entertainment industry has a responsibility to
promote the image of dark skinned Africans as the essence of true
natural beauty. The rest of us have to learn to take pride in how we are
made. The truth is that no one else will do it for us. It must begin
with us.
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